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Bob Dylan - 1970s
If you were looking for something then, you could find it


POSSUM BELLY OVERALLS. Dylan's muse was not clicking in 1970 and these studio recordings are a mixed bag. Sounding very Self Portrait/Nashville Skyline like, Zim gets some help from George Harrison on a couple of tracks. Has a breezy "I Don't Believe You" and "Gates of Eden" as highlights. A couple of clunkers including Bob warbling "Yesterday." Ouch.

YESTERDAY. Same as above.

PECOS BLUES. Outtakes and extra music from the Pat Garrett Soundtrack. Really entertaining stuff. Good music and some great studio eavesdropping. You'll enjoy it more than you think.

DYLAN AKA FOOL SUCH AS I Ay, this is the CD version of the Columbia Vinyl release that never made it officially to disc. Shouldn't have been released in the first place, but one must own it.

NEW MORNING ACETATES & SESSION REMASTERED. Handy collection of outtakes(?) and remastered tracks - really more of a remaster. Kinda cool to get a keyboard only "Went to See Gypsy."

ALTERNATE NEW MORNING ACETATE. Part of the trove of stuff discovered in 2014 that caused such a kerfuffle.

A.J. WEBERMAN PHONE CALLS. January 6 & 9, 1971. It's the legendary conversation between Dylan and Garbologist/Dylanologist Alan Jules Weberman. A must listen , with AJ acusing Bob of selling out and Bob replying that he is gonna print up buttons with AJ's picture and "Pig" printed on them." Incredible stuff, and I'll even include Bob's answering machine message song from the summer of 1975 with it.

BANGLADESH CONCERTS. January 8, 1971. Contains both the Afternoon show in excellent sound quality and the Evening show from an audience recording in gruff sound. No artwork.

FREETIME TV SHOW. October 30, 1971. Haven't seen this on too many lists - quite rare, unlistenable stuff. :)

GEORGE JACKSON SESSIONS. November 4, 1971. A 3 song appetizer, the 2 Georges and a nice take of "Wallflower."

PLANET WAVES QUAD REMIX & OUTTAKES. The outtakes consist of a "Forever YOung" alt take and 2 instrumentals. The Quad mix is cool too.

1973 PLANET WAVES OUTTAKES. 5 Tunes downloaded from this era of work - one track, Housing of the Rising Sun, clipped.

PHANTOMS OF MY YOUTH (3). As the cover declares, "The complete audio document of Bob Dylan's 1974 Tour with the Band." Contains one version of every song performed.

1974 ANTHOLOGY (3) A compendium of the 'best' performances from audience taping of "the screaming" tour. Selections in a varied sound quality, but a sane way to own this tour.

JANUARY 3, 1974. (2) Chicago, Illinois. A blurry audience taping - just a bit below acceptable IMO, You won't be playing this one for your friends.

JANUARY 4, 1974. (2) Chicago, Illinois. Same taper as above, no doubt, just lacks clarity so can't recommend this one either.

JANUARY 6, 1974 (Early Show) (2) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A mixed bag, the vocals are upfront but the music is a little too buried in the mix. Still okay: B Grade.

JANUARY 6, 1974 (2) (Evening Show) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Deep audience taping but hey bootleggers didn't have DAT in Nineteen Seventy-Four.

AT THE SPECTRUM. (2) January 6, 1974 in Philadelphia. Lower quality audience recording of the tour with the Band. Nice cover show, but not nearly in the same league as the others from this tour.

JANUARY 7, 1974 (2) Final night of the Phillly stand recorded again by a low quality audience taper.

JANUARY 9, 1974 (2) Toronto, Canada. Like much of the '74 Tour boots, for completists only.

JANUARY 10, 1974 (2) Toronto, Canada. Low level audience taping - skating around the barely acceptable mark. Good Dylan performance tho.

MONTREAL (2) January 11, 1974. Montreal, Canada. Decent enough audience taping with another generous helping of 28 songs performed.

JANUARY 12, 1974 (2) Montreal, Canada. Audience taper, hey we gotta take what we can get.

LOVE SONGS FOR AMERICA (2). January 14, 1974 (Afternoon) at the Boston Garden. The more boots that I hear from this tour the better I think it was. Robbie Robertson's guitar on "Hollis Brown" is staggering!

JANUARY 14, 1974 (2)  (Afternoon), Boston, MA. THE PA Tape Collection version.  Not sure how different, but it is cool 

JANUARY 14, 1974 (2) (Late) Boston, Massachusetts. Hey, a decent taping with Bob singing once again with real feelng and soul. It's a trippy ride, the Band only material not included.

INTO THE FLOOD (2) January 15, 1974 at the Capital Center. Not a stand out taping, but an acceptable one. Artwork done in the style of the officially released album.

JANUARY 16, 1974. The Next night at the Capitol Center is a single disc so no Band songs on this gruffy, distorted audience taping.

JANUARY 17, 1974 (2) Charlotte, North Carolina. A B- audience taping, certainly below the better boots from this tour, but has its minor pleasures when you adjust to the sound quality.

JANUARY 19, 1974 (2) (Afternoon Show) Miami, Florida. Shaky audience taping.

JANUARY 19, 1974 (2) (Evening Show) Miami, Florida. Ibid.

JANUARY 21, 1974 (2) Atlanta, Georgia. Another messy grade C taping. Needs more separation. Upfront vocals is about the best I can say about it.

JANUARY 22, 1974 (2) Atlanta, Georgia. Unlistenable.

JANUARY 23, 1974 (2) Memphis, Tennessee. Another $2.99 hand held taping. Seemed like a good show.

FORT WORTH 1974 (2) January 25, 1974, Fort Worth, Texas. A lower level, but acceptable audience taping - the best sounding stuff is the solo acoustic perrformances - taper just didn't do the full band justic. "Gates of Eden" probably the highlight, whole sound improves as the night progresses or my ear adjusts not sure which.

JANUARY 26, 1974 (2) (Afternoon) Houston, Texas. Grim, audience taping, the solo acoustic stuff sounds the best, but a hollow boot.

JANUARY 26, 1974 (2) Evening. Houston, Texas. Nope. Just a spotty audience taping herein.

JANUARY 28, 1974 (2) Nassau, New York. Audience taping - nothing to brag about, but more than acceptable and better than most. Particularly like the acoustic set.

JANUARY 29, 1974 (2) Nassua, New York. Listenable audience recording certainly not essential but I'm glad I own it. An absolutely ferocious, killer "Like A Rolling Stone."

JANUARY 31, 1974 (2) New York City, New York. This is the recently unearthed Wolfgang's Vault recording. Beautiful.

JANUARY 31, 1974 (2) (Afternoon) New York City. Poor taping - completists only.

BITTERSWEET. (2) January 31, 1974 (Evening)
Madison Square Garden. Real nice live set that includes a couple of Blood on the Tracks outtakes as a bonus. A Terrific set, but not as good as...

FEBRUARY 2, 1974 (2) Ann Arbor, Michigan. Just manageable audience taping, these hand held tapers from this tour just don't have the technology of the modern DATers. The Dylan solo acoustic set captured best, a mixed bag in total.

FEBURARY 3, 1974 (2) Bloomington, Indiana. Ugly audience taping.

FEBRUARY 4, 1974 (2) Early Show. St. Louis, Missouri. Brutal taping - awful recording.

FEBRUARY 4, 1974 (2) Late Show. St. Louis. Other than a rare "Wedding Song" doesn't have much going for it. Low quality taping. Sorry.

FEBRUARY 6, 1974 (2) Early Show. Denver, Colorado. A cleaned up audience taping, while lacking in crispness is better than I expected. A bit muffled, but I'll take it. And what would I give to hear Bob pull out "Wedding Song" on the NET, Eh.

FEBRUARY 6, 1974 (Evening) Denver, Colorda. An awful recording - there's a concert going on I think.

DAY & NIGHT (2) February 9, 1974. Seattle, Washington. Features the Dylan only sets from the afternoon and evening shows - hence the title. On first listening, I was disappointed with the sound which varies from acceptable to good and at times - poor. Grew on me a little, while better shows from this tour, I still had to own it.

SEATTLE AFTERNOON 1974. Source 2, different than the above. No band material, just Bob.

FEBRUARY 11, 1974 (2) (Afternoon) Oakland, California. Certainly better than passable, I enjoyed it, but it still has a tinny sound at times.

OAKLAND FLOOD (2) February 11, 1974. Evening. Oakland, California. A superb recording that really captures the Tour 74 Dylan voice - full of piss and vinegar. And wow, what organ on "Tom Thumb." This baby is a keeper. Artwork indicates afternoon show, but detective work seems to indicate it was the evening show.

PAINT THE DAYTIME BLACK (2). A rockin' performance with the Band from Afternoon, February 14, 1974. A harder, tighter performance than the commercially released souvenier. Robbie Robertson was on.

FEBRUARY 13, 1974 (2) Los Angeles. Totalled washed out sound - must have had the mic hidden in a winter coat.

FEBRUARY 14, 1974 (2) Evening, Los Angeles, CA. Good audience taping, better than the crappy ones though not in the same league with the clearest recordings. Many fine moments.

FRIENDS OF CHILI. May 9, 1974. A sloppy, warm audience recording of the famously drunk Bob performing at the Phil Ochs Chili benefit. Four songs.

BLOOD ON THE TAPES. Fab outtakes features 2 great takes of "Idiot Wind."

BLOOD ON THE TRACKS: THE NEW YORK SESSIONS. The way the album was originally going to be released before Dylan threw a nutty and at his brother's request re-recorded half of the tracks. The stuff of one of the great Dylan debates of whether he ruined the album or made it better. I say both - the reworked songs were better as singles, but the context was lost. Highest recommendation!

ALL OF THE TRACKS (4) This one compiles much of the outtakes, alternate takes, the test pressing and finally the Columbia Master Sound half speed running at the correct speed of BOTT. Quite a treat.

DESIRE - QUAD REMIXES. Sounds real good, but I'm not sure that I have the audiophile credentials to tell you that it is much different or better than the commerical platter.

ABANDONED DESIRE (2) This contains the quad mixes, then other outtakes, live stuff etc. Nice.

DESIRE SESSIONS REMASTERED (2) Two discs of outtakes or remasters or something. Some fresh stuff, I really dug it.

BOB DYLAN AND BETTE MIDLER. THE OCTOBER 1975 RECORDING SESSION. The recording of "Buckets of Rain" for Bette's album. Lots of studio chat and banter, fly on the wall stuff.

THE PROPHET & THE CLOWN. Zimmy was the surprise guest at the SNACK Benefit in March of 1975 in San Francisco. Disc contains Neil Young, The Band & others doing songs as well. Acceptable sound quality, though Bobby's mike could have been hiked a little.

MARY TRAVERS & FRIEND. March 1975. Bobby making an appearance for an interview with Mary Travers on some radio show she had at the time.. Known for his great remark on how he can't understand how people can enjoy the pain on Blood on the Tracks.

LIVE AT THE OTHER END, NY (2) JULY 3, 1975. New York City. This is really a Ramblin' Jack Elliot boot with Bob showing up for a couple during the 2nd set. I have those Dylan performances on other sets, but this boot contains the entire evening. Audience taping, but it works.

LIVE 1975 COMPANION SHN From the Dylan tree - I have mastered SHn yet so I can't trade.

PLYMOUTH ROCK. Contains some of the October 11, 1975 Plymouth, Mass Thunder show and the November 11 Waterbury show. Essential fantastic.

PLYMOUTH 1975. October 31, 1975. MP3 Version. Not sure how these tapes surface, but this one didn't until the fall of 2006. Fills in some holes that are missing from other boots featuring show. Great News and Great stuff.

BOB DYLAN & THE ROLLING THUNDER REVIEW. October 31, 1975, Plymouth. Uneartched by Wolfgang's Vault - very nice soundboard recording.

OUT ON THE ROAD. 8 Songs from November 2 and five more from November 4 in glorious sound. This is a 2011 Godfather Records release.

NOVEMBER 2, 1975 (2) Lowell, Massachusetts. Simply unlistenable.

THE ROLLING THUNDER REVUE. November 2, 1975, Lowell, Massachusetts. This is the non-Bob performances in perfect sound on that day - so how come I don't have Bob's stuff in the same quality?

NOVEMBER 4, 1975 - Afternoon (3) Providence, Rhode Island. Acceptable audience recording with one disc dedicated to non-Dylan performers. Nice to get a rare, solo, acoustic "With God On Our Side."

NOVEMBER 4, 1975 - Evening (3) Providence, Rhode Island. Excellent set with about half devoted to non Dylan performances (6 Baez Tunes) Great sound - quite a find.

NOVEMBER 6, 1975 (2)(Afternoon) Springfield, Massachusetts. Good performance with occasional flaws and chat. Bob & crew were on that day.

NOVEMBER 6, 1975 (Evening) Springfield, Massachusetts. Single disc of the 14 Dylan songs of the night. A constant hiss throughout the boot mars a pretty good recording otherwise. Occasional glitch as well.

NOVEMBER 8, 1975 (3) Low grade affair - about half RT, half Dylan, taper narrates from time to time, kinda funny, but doesn't make me want to listen again.

NOVEMBER 9, 1975 (2) Durham, New Hampshire. A grim, subpar taping with 12 Dylan songs, a half dozen or so from Baez and 2 from McGuinn.

SATISFIED MAN. Stuff from the November 11, 1975 in Waterbury. Superb. Excellent sound quality throughout.

TELL IT LIKE IT IS. Same show as above though it has some bonus tracks as well. As best as I can tell the same source and sound quality.

NOVEMBER 11, 1975 (3) Waterbury. The complete show with Revue tunes - everything in superb quality - high recommendation, this is a must have.

NOVEMBER 13, 1975 (2) (Afternoon) New Haven, Connecticut. I have two different taping of this show and obviously we'll send you the better version which is quite nice.

NOVEMBER 13, 1975 (2) (Evening) A step up from some of the lower quality taping of the era, but not as good as the best ones.

NIAGRA (2) November 15, 1975 2nd Show. Niagara Falls, New York. Audience taping with some chat interfering from time to time. Not the RT that you will play for your friends, but if you want something that captures the beauty of the tour this has some amazing moments. How about when someone yells "Judas" or "Take Your Masks Off!" Does a take on "Hurricane" after the audience screams for it.

NOVEMBER 17, 1975 (Afternoon) (2) Rochester, New York. Dylan only material in a fair to good audience taping. Occassional chat, but only noticeable here and there.

NOVEMBER 17, 1975 (2) (Evening) Rochester, New York. Another passing grade. Some good moments when the ear adjusts. My copy also includes bonus tracks from the SNACK benefit as well as a couple of unidentifables.

WORCESTER '75. (2) Novemberr 19, 1975 Worcester, Massachusetts. As good as can be expected Audience RT taping - oh the power & the passion.

NOVEMBER 20, 1975 (3) Cambridge, Massachusetts. A mixed blessing - you get a bunch of non dylan material - more than half of the material - but it is low quality. The Dylan stuff (perhaps due to familiarity) just sound a bit better.

GET READY! TONIGHT BOB'S STAYING HERE WITH YOU. (2) November 21, 1975. Evening. Boston Hall show. Uneven but darn good recording with some special moments. Mixed in with the boot are tracks from the Toronto show, not labeled ont he artwork. A famous boot, they tell me.

COWBOY ANGEL BLUES (2) Contains the evening November 21 Boston Afternoon show along with bonus. Good stuff.

NOVEMBER 21, 1975 (3) Evening. Complete Dylan pefromance along with RTR revue performances.

NOVEMBER 22, 1975. (2) Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. Acceptable audience recording of the college gig.

HARTFORD '75 (2) November 24, 1975. Hartford, Connecticut. Audience recording, the immense performance shining through the acceptable taping.

DYLAN & FRIENDS. (2) November 26, 1975. Augusta, Maine. Audience recording that's a little one dimensional, but not bad. You get a couple from Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez & Roger McGuinn which is great.

NOVEMBER 27, 1975 (2) Bangor, Maine. A little better than acceptable sound quality of this audience taping.

NOVEMBER 29, 1975 (2) Quebec City. A musty, distorted, barely acceptable audience taping. Best to look elsewhere for your RT fix.

DECEMBER 1, 1975 (4) Toronto, Canada. Audience taping of the complete revue. Plenty good.

FLAGGING DOWN DOUBLE E's (2)  December 1, 1975.  Toronto, Canada.  Supposed to be a new soundboard, but I'm not so sure.  Could be a dupe of some kind of the boot listed further ahead.  I don't have the patience to compare.  Anyway, it is a great excuse to relisten to this show.  A live "Sara" a treasure. 

DECEMBER 2, 1975 (4) Toronto, Canada. Same source (& Story) as above.

MAPLELEAF GARDEN 1975. (2) December 2, 1975, Toronta, Canada. Just the Dylan Stuff. Nice audience recording, not quite up to today's standards, but it ain't bad.

DECEMBER 4, 1975 (2) Montreal, Canada. I have 2 versions of this show and will send you the better sounding. Often sited as one of the better RT nights with some of it's live performances used for Renaldo & Clara.

DECEMBER 7, 1975. Trenton Jail, Trenton, New Jersey. Recording by an inmate? Geez. We get a snipit of "Blowin," "Hurricane," & "Knockin." That's it.

KNIGHT OF THE HURRICANE. (2) December 8, 1975 at Madison Square Garden (has there ever been a concert at the Garden not booted?). Rolling Thunder rules. Excellent!

DECEMBER 8, 1975 (2) New York City, This is the Wolfgang's Vault release which is basically a 3/4 soundboard with the last quarter strangely different, you hear the sound quality change on "One More Cup of Coffee." Anyway, I love it.

DECEMBER 8, 1975 (2) New York City. This is my 3rd version of this famed show. This is the Bennyboy Gold upgrade. Sound good, man.

NIGHT OF THE HURRICANE (4) December 8, 1975. Okay, and now I have four versions, this has the entire show, speeches, other performances et al. Just emerged, thank you.

THE WORLD OF JOHN HAMMOND. DECEMBER 13, 1975 (2) The complete TV show with Bob performing 3 desire tracks.

SONGS FOR PATTY VALENTINE Great title. A hodge podge of tracks recorded in the later half of 1975. Includes some outtakes from Desire and live tracks.

MONEY BLUES  July 27 or 29, 1975 Desire session outtake..   A song written by Dylan and Jacques Levy.   You get Jacques on vocals

DESIRE SESSINON REMASTERED (2) Outtakes and the like reassembled.

UNCIRCULATED BLOOD TRACKS. These are the 2 track "Idiot WInd" and "Meet in the Morning" that emerged in February of 2013. THe more the merrier.

RENALDO & CLARA. Unofficial soundtrack from the film, contains some interesting stuff, but the sound quality just isn't up to the quality of the other Rolling Thunder boots.

RENALDO & CLARA SOUNDTRACK. (3) Pretty much the whole film, good luck in listening.

RENALDO & CLARA STEREO. Another soundtrack from the film.


FLAGGIN' DOWN THE DOUBLE E'S. (3) More killer Rolling Thunder from November & December of 1975. My version takes up 3 discs though it properly takes up just 2.

JANUARY 22 & 23, 1976 REHEARSALS. Santa Monica Studios. Rick Danko & T-Bone Burnett both sing 2 songs on these rehearsal tapes. Different from the next listed disc.

THE DAYS BEFORE THE HURRICANE. Rehearsals from SIR from January/1976. Sounds real good.

KNIGHT OF THE HURRICANE II (2) January 25, 1976. It's the big Hurricane Carter event at the Houston Astrodome. Low quality audience recording, there is plenty of better Rolling Thunder available.

ACOUSTIC THUNDER. Acoustic collection from the tour, mostly from April & May of 1976. Rough sounding, but not bad.

THE DAYS BEFORE HARD RAIN. Dylan and the boys rehearsing in May of 1976. Does some unusual numbers and arrangement. Includes the demo of "Seven Days" as well.

ARE YOU READY FOR THE CARNIVAL? April/May 1976 Rehearsals. Gruff stuff, but fun - might be some duplication with other similarly sourced boots.

GOING GOING GUAM: THE COMPLETE ROLLING THUNDER REHEARSALS (4) Clutch set - while much released previously this is everything and complete and on four coold discs. Often the vocals behind the mix, but I just dig eavesdropping on rehearsals.

GUAM THUNDER 1976 REHEARSALS (9) This is the Captain Acid remaster of a whole bunch of stuff.

THE ROLLING THUNDER TOUR STARTS ITS SECOND LEG IN LAKELAND, FLORIDA. (2) April 18, 1976. After the third tune, Bob asks "I hope it sounds better out there than here?" It does. Nice sound with a setlist that I'd die for today. Uneven recording at time, but a worth additional to the RT cannon.

APRIL 2O, 1976 (2) St. Petersburg, Florida. Sweet sweet sounding set with a reworked melody for "It's Alright Ma" as one of many highlights. There are a few brief problems with the source tape, but don't let that stop your for this one. Incredible.

APRIL 21, 1976 (2) Tampa, Florida. Sound like a handheld microphone recording not without either its charms or flaws. Love some of the arrangements, energy and voice, too bad there was no DAT back then. A few tunes unlistenable, others quite nice.

APRIL 22, 1976 (2) Lakeland, Florida.  One dimensional flat recording, but somehow this audience recording captures the performance.  Not sure the vintage of where this taping came from, I think it took a few years ago emerge.

APRIL 23, 1976 (2) Orlando, Florida. Enjoyable recording, but lacking in crispness & separation - can't recommend.

APRIL 25, 1976 (2) Gainesville, Florida. Another low end recording - nothing speaks for it.

APRIL 27, 1976 Tallahasse, Florida. Dreary sounding 6 song gig - not sure why so short.

APRIL 28, 1976 (2) Pensacola, Florida. Sterile taping, gotta place it just below acceptable.

APRIL 29, 1976 (3)(Evening) Mobile, Alabama. Once again, nice to get non Dylan performers (did my best with the setlist, but uncertain). Audience taping with the Dylan stuff sounding better.

APRIL 29, 1976 (3) Evening Show, Mobile, Alabama.  Thanks to Ray, we now have a partial soundboard of the revue.  Thanks, kid.

APRIL 29, 1976.  Mobile, Alabama.  Bennyboy's remaster of just the Dylan performances of above show.

HIGHWAY 49 REVISITED. May 1, 1976 at the Reid Green Colliseum in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Very good audience recording with a terrific performance.

ROLLING THUNDER REVUE. (2) May 3, 1976. One of the few Rolling Thunder boots that's all non Dylan just substantial performances from the others on the tour. How about a version of "Werewolvesof London" by T. Bone Burnett. or Kinky Friedman's "Asshole from El Paso."

LIVE AT THE WAREHOUSE. (2) May 3, 1976. More great Rolling Thunder II stuff. Features a nice Joan Baez take on "Diamond & Rust." Plenty of cool stuff from the overly maligned second leg.

MAY 4, 1976 Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Flawed recording, lacking clarity but containing passion. You get those RTII songs oft unperformed since so I dig it y'all.

MAY 8, 1976 (2) Houston, Texas. An undistinguished recording and certainly a difficult listen. Parts of the disc sound like it was sourced off warped vinyl. Yuck.

MAY 11, 1976. San Antonio. A flawed soundboard with some hisses, fades and cut outs on the source recording. But but but - it still awesome. You do get the immortal live take of "Spanish is a Loving Tongue" on it.

MAY 12, 1976 (3). Austin, Texas.  A partial soundboard uncovered by Ray Padgett and The Flaggin' people.  Thank you. 

MAY 12, 1976 (2) Austin, Texas.  The Bennyboy remaster of above show, but only the Dylan stuff.

CREATURES VOID OF FORM. Nice single disc from the May 3, 11, 19, 1976 shows. Grand.

BLOOD & THUNDER. Featuring performances from May 11, 18 and 23, 1976. Excellent collection for us RT fans.

HOLD THE FORT (LOCK UP THE WAREHOUSE). (2) Fort Worth Show on May 16, 1976. Sensational set with a number of reworked versions of songs from RT.

MAY 16, 1976 (4) Houston, Texas. This is the complete revue in adequate sound at best. You do get a nice McGuinn "Turn Turn Turn" and a cool slow intro to "Isis" which usually blasts off right from go. Don't have complete setlist info.

THE TALL GRASS & THE ONES I LOVE. May 18, 1976. Nice show.

ROLLING DOWN TO WICHITA (3) May 19, 1976. Wichita, Kansas. An okay to poor taping - just not one to play frequently. No art.

COMPLETE HARD RAIN (2). MAY 23, 1989, Fort Collins, Colorado.  Not the best taping - a bit disappointing considering it was boardcast.  Not sure I understand it, but regardless here it is. 

LIKE A ROLLING STONE: THE HIDDEN TV SHOW. The disc is split between the May 23, 1976 Fort Collins show (The Hard Rain TV Special) and the April 22, 1976 Bellevule Biltmore songs. Enjoyable stuff all.

CHARLIE'S CHOICE. Includes 5 blues jams from the Marriott in Hampton in 1986, but mostly it's rehearsal songs from 1976. The vocals are a little behind in the mix on the rehearsal protion - the blues numbers sound like a drunken party to me.

PLAYBOY INTERVIEW (2) November 1977 with Ron Rosenbaum. In low often difficult to hear audio, Zim was actually in a giving mood, but Rosenbaum wasn't up for the challenge.

JONATHON COTT/ROLLING STONE INTERVIEW (4) January/1978. An amazing set. This is the tape recording of the interview taking place in various locations. Great stuff about Renaldo & Clara and Jonathon Cott is one unusual dude. Spends half his time trying to impress Zim with his knowledge of film or his interpretation of Dylan's songs. Makes me feel a bit intrusive, but this is a must.

THE REAL STREET LEGAL TAPES (2) Basically a nice compilation of 1978 live tracks.

SANTA MONICA REHEARSALS. Contains material from the following: December 30, 1977, January, 1978 Early, January 27 ("Street Tape), April, 1978. No artwork.

10/28, 7/12 & 7/4
12/2, 9/22 & 11/9
7/3, 7/4, 7/5 7/6 & 7/8 (2)10/29 & 11/18First off, this material is of low sound quality. Recording off stage by someone, often with chat and other distraction. You do get riffs, false starts & stops, rehearsals, strange & unidenifiable covers, unreleased originals etc. Difficult if not impossible listening, but fun to possess in a completist's collection.

MORE COMPLETE 1978 SOUNDCHECKS (3)  I'm not doing any crosschecking here.  More stuff.

DARKNESS AT THE BREAK OF NOON. 1978 Tour Rehearsals at Rundown Studio. Crystal clear sound quality. While Bob polutes "Times" and "Knockin'" he really tees off on "If You See Her" and "It's Alright Ma." The best rehearsal stuff that I own.

RUNDOWN TO MAGGIE. More rehearsal stuff, some duplicated on other boots.

THE RUNDOWN REHEARSAL TAPES. VOLUMES ONE AND TWO (4) The monster collection of rehearsal material in best available sound and selection.

MOVING VIOLATIONS January 30, 1978. More rehearsals with some overlap with the previous disc. Enjoyable.

FEBRUARY 20, 1978 (2) Japan. Crap recording - skip this one.

FEBRUARY 21, 1978 (2) Tokyo, Japan. Sturdy, clear recording with that rather large band of his. Dig that swampy, tribal "Oh Sister."

FEBRUARY 23, 1978 (2) Tokyo, Japan. An inferior, yet acceptable boot. Like most of 1978, the vocal delivery was there night after night.

LIVE IN JAPAN. VOL 2 (2) Same show as above, nice upgrade though.

FEBRUARY 24, 1978 (2) Osaka, Japan, Effecitve. The wound switches to a fuller mix on track (why?) - A beautiful performance well captured with a couple of different arrangement in Japan than later in the 78 tour. Love "Blowin" and "Sooner or Later." This is a jazzier feel with later in the shows having a more Vegas big band feel.

FAR EAST TOUR 1978 (3) February 24 & 26, 1978 in Osaka, Japan. The sound quality is a little thin, but his passionate performances shine through.

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER (2) February 26, 1978. A Chat free audience taping - a good addition for this era though the commercial released may represent it best.

FEBRUARY 28, 1978 (2) Tokyo, Japan. Acceptable, but a little falt audience taping which got real clean for the last couple of tunes. Nice performance and show.

MARCH 1, 1978 (2) Tokyo, Japan. Enjoyable night from the stand that produced the commercial product. Bob's well rested and in charge, more than good enuf sound and fine performance.

MARCH 2, 1978 (2)  Tokyo, Japan.  A flat audience taping, but still able to enjoy it's charms either my ears adjusted or the taping simply warmed up and grew on me. 

MARCH 3, 1978 (2) Tokyo, Japan. Nice strong runthrew - introduced "LARS" as 'my biggest hit' Jeez, man, didn't realize you noticed. Has more than acceptable sound, a bit flat but full if that makes any sense. One track has a glitch.

MARCH 4, 1978 (2) Tokyo, Japan. Subpar. I think it's been cleaned way too much up.

MARCH 9, 1978, Auckland, New Zealand.   Decent audience recording.  As listen, enjoyable and on point. 

MARCH 12, 1978 (2)  Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.   Taping falls short, that's all. 

MARCH 13, 1978 (2)  Brisbane, Australia.  A flat distant taping, but still made it through.  They tore this building down to turn it into an office building, but still have a little exhibit of the various concerts.  

MARCH 14, 1978. Brisbane, Australia.  Just 9 songs on this one from the poor taping.

OK I STILL GET STONED. Soundboard recording from Festival Hall in Brisbane, Australia. March 15, 1978. Despite the high sound quality, its hard to get past the Las Vegas lounge band he hauled down under. He just obliterates all meaning in "Girl From the North Country."

MARCH 18, 1978 (2) Adelaide, Australia. Recorded down under something - oofa - bad quality.

MARCH 20, 1978 (2) Melbourne, Australia.  Your basic era taping by now means good, but you take it.

MARCH 21, 1978 (2)  Melbourne, Australia.  A barely passable taping, flat and distant. 

MARCH 22, 1978 (2)  Melbourne, Australia.  Yup, another barely passable product.

MARCH 25, 1978.  Perth, Australia.  16 of 26 songs from the show.  Decent taping. 

MARCH 27, 1978 Perth, Autralia. Subpar recording, nothing special on one disc.

APRIL 1, 1978 (2) Sydney, Australia. Sloppy audience taping - acceptable, but that's it.

JUNE 1, 1978 (2) Los Angeles, Super - all of these L.A. shows are good. Highlight: "Big Girl" & "Cup of Coffee." When it works - it works. He introduced "Senor" by saying "this is song 2, side two of my latest record." That Bob is a cut up.

LOS ANGELES 1978. June 1, 1978. This is a single disc remaster. Great.

STOP CRYING June 2, 1978 along with a few bonus tracks 5 nights later with bonus shows in Los Angeles. Quite an enjoyable performance with Bob really getting into it. A real good one from this era.

JUNE 3, 1978 (2) Los Angeles. Pretty good taping if not another excellent offering. A wild, quirky arrangement and playing of "Masters" with a great guitar riff and crazed percussion among its highlights.

JUNE 4, 1978 (2) Los Angeles. Yeah another good performance on the left coast. Call me crazy, but I even dig the spoken word like "Tangled." Touches all of my bases.

JUNE 5, 1978 (2) Los Angeles, Oh yeah, Babe, another great show with "Maggie" introdued as an "old protest song>" And just love the arrangements for "I Don't Believe You" and "Big Girl."

JUNE 6, 1978 (2) Los Angeles. Ibid. Super show from the amazing residency.

JUNE 7, 1978 (2) Los Angeles. A Sesational slow - love the minute and a half "Rainy Day" instrumental - its the way that song should be played. This is '78 at its mighty mightiest. Jeez even the band intro took 5 minutes. One of the essential big band Bob boots.

JUNE 15, 1978 (2) London, England.  Ugly taping, a shame.  I thought you brits were better. 

JUNE 17, 1978 (2)  London, Enbland.   A good taping - as you would imagine.  Bob in front of the enthralled.

TALES OF YANKEE POWER. June 18, 1978. Earl's Court, London, England. While not essential another enjoyable outing.

JUNE 19, 1978 (2) The next night at Earl's court. A really nice performance, but a strange recording. Sounds nice at low volume, but turn it up and you get plenty of distortion.

JUNE 20, 1978 (2)  London.  Another great night, well done across the board, 

ROTERDAM '78 (2) June 23, 1978. A soft, one dimensional audience taping not bad, just not real good either. Have to adjust to the sound quality, but I enjoyed this one right to the fireworks display after the final song.

JUNE 26, 1978 (2) Dortmund, West Germany. No qualms or praises for this one. Decent enuf audience taping - two sensational highlights: "Senor" and the beautiful grumble through "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight."

JUNE 27, 1978 (2) Dortmun, West Germany. Nice to get a verbose, chatty Bob, doncha wish he would introduce his songs nowadays? I do. 28 Song night in pretty good sound, albeit less than perfect, & Peformance.

1978 WORLD TOUR (2)  June 29, 1978.  West Berlin, Germany.  Remote, but okay I guess. 

JULY 1, 1978 (2) Zeppelindfeld, Nurnberg. Thirty One Songs! A warm audience taping that captures a great spirit and show. Bob let's his band take lead vocals on a couple.

JULY 3, 1978 (2) Paris, France. A bit light, but crystal clear & clean sound. Bob was singing was heart felt.

MY BACK PAGES. (2) July 4, 1978. Paris, France. Pretty good, though we at times the recording doesn't capture the big sound. Nice show when it works, but when it misses - youch.

JULY 5, 1978 (2) Paris, France. Nice recording from this Paris Stand. Is it true they really love Jerry Lewis?

BORDER BENEATH THE SUN. July 6, 1978, Paris France. A couple of Street Legal nuggets mixed in with the big band versions of the standard classics

JULY 8, 1978 (2) Paris, France  Last Paris night of the stand and one of the better audience tapings of the era - perhaps due to the remaster from Captain Acid.

JULY 11, 1978 (2)  Gothenburg, Sweden.   Very effective audience taping, proof that you can capture the big band with a mic outstretched somewhere in the crowd.  

JULY 12, 1978 (2) Gothenburg, Sweden.  Not quite as good a taping as the previous night, but not horrible.

THE PICNIC AT BLACKBUSHE (2) July 15, 1978. An immense performance including a number of rarely performed songs from Street Legal. Too bad we can't get a soundboard as this audience recording is merely acceptable. Clapton does a nice guest spot and a little too much chat from the picknickers.

THE PICNIC AT BLACKBUSH (3) MP3 Version. Apparently remastered. You still quite a bit of chat, but another take on this historic concert

BLACKBUSHE (3) Same show as above.

THE PICNIC AT BLACKBUSHE. 2020 UPGRADE (3) Yes, yup my 4th take on this much loved extravaganza.

MATT DAMSKER INTERVIEW. September 15, 1978. Nice interview with a fairly cooperative Bob. Disc also contains a Chris Sykes BBC interview from 1986 that's excellent, albeit Chris is a bit obseqious.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1978 (2)  Augusta, Maine.  Passable taping as I made it thru the entire show.  Maybe speaks more about me. 

SEPTEMBER 16, 1978 (2)  Portland, Oregon.  Listenable recording, but that's about it.  Get a nice acoustic "It Ain't Me, Babe" with harp.

SEPTEMBER 17, 1978. New Haven, Connecticut. Just a crappy sounding audience taping.

SEPTEMBER 17, 1978 SOUNDCHECK. I'd start by saying that it is a difficult listening experience. A ramblin' soundcheck/rehearsal with unknown songs, riffs, jams and general noodling around. Grim sound, but cool to own.

SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 (2)  Montreal, Canada.  I wouldn't play it for my friends, but it's okay. 

SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 (2) Boston, Ma. Mediocre taping, at best.

SEPTEMBER 22, 1978 (2) Syracuse, New York. Nothing to jump up + down about. Standard audience taping.

SEPTEMBER 23, 1978 Rochester, New York.   Incomplete recording, 14 tracks from the show.  A big washed out, but s'alright.

MARC ROWLAND INTERVIEW. September 23, 1978. Enjoyable chat with Bob who was quite sober, lucid and forthcoming

SEPTEMBER 24, 1978 (2) Binghamton, New York.  Vocals upfront, but no separation for band.  Makes it a slog.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 (2) Springfield, Massachusetts. Audience recording. Clean.

SEPTEMBER 27, 1978 (2)  Uniondale, New York.  Decent enough audience taping but still quite tinny.   It's enjoyable as you can feel the band jelling, but just another line of the list.  Also missing a couple of the final songs. 

SEPTEMBER 29, 1978 (2)  New York City, New York.  Great fun in the heart of the beast. 

SEPTEMBER 30, 1978 (2)  New York City.   Nice recording in the belly of the beast.  Delightful recording.  Fun moment, after introducing the band Bob introduced himself.  

OCTOBER 3, 1978 (2)  Norfolk, Virginia.   A dull cavernous sound on this boot.  Ugly.

OCTOBER 4, 1978 (2)  Baltimore, Maryland.   Ahh, a nice audience taping, not perfect, but cool. 

OCTOBER 5, 1978 (2) Largo, Maryland.  Crap taping.  Ugh. 

OCTOBER 6, 1978 (2)  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  I tried, but the taping simply doesn't hold up.

OCTOBER 7, 1978 (2) Providence, Rhode Island.  Delightful, I wish I was there. Bob ws fiery. 

OCTOBER 9, 1978 (2)  Buffalo, New York,  A passable taping of a quite good performance.  Energy and commitment shines.

I WAS YOUNG WHEN I LEFT HOME (2). October 12, 1978. Done in this era's style - not our hero's best, but Bob gives it his all. Begins with an instrumental of "My Back Pages" which both horrifies and entertains.

OCTOBER 13, 1978 (2) Detroit, Michigan. Useless comes to mind.

OCTOBER 14, 1978 (2)  Terre Haute, Indiana.  Another electric night, sloppy taping of an energetic performance.`

OCTOBER 15, 1978 (2) Cincinnati, Ohio. Has a touch of that cavernous sound, but still not too bad sounding. All in all, a bit underwhelming.

OCTOBER 18, 1978 (2) Chicago, Illinois. Excellent performance, too bad the sound quality doesn't match the music. Would love a sound board of this one. What incredible Dylan phrasing along with the immense vocal twists & turns.

OCTOBER 20, 1978 (2) Richfield, Ohio. A bit flat audience tpaing, but more than acceptable. Does a slightly different take on "Maggie" but I gotta say I like "Masters of War." A minor glitch on "Forever Young."

OCTOBER 21, 1978 (2)  Toledo, Ohio.  Pretty good, warm enough taping.  Lots of hidden pleasures and charm. 

OCTOBER 22, 1978 (2)  Dayton, Ohio.  Just doesn't cut the mustard.

OCTOBER 25, 1978 (2)  Indianapolis, Indiana.  The vocals are up front which makes this a nice listen.

OCTOBER 27, 1978 (2)  Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Worthless taping.

OCTOBER 28, 1978 (2) Carbondale, Illinois.  Great show!  A solo acoustic take of "It Ain't me" made the hair on my balls tingle.

OCTOBER 29, 1978 (2) St. Louis, Missouri. A good audience taping during an era of difficult audience tapes. Despite a few unforgivable arrangements ("Tambourine Man"), you also get sweet ones ("Love Minus Zero).

OCTOBER 31, 1978 (2) St. Paul, Minnesota. My copy is missing the opening instrumental, but otherwise a fair job.

OCTOBER31, 1978 (2)  St. Paul, Minnesota.  Audiowhore Remaster.  A snappy fixing of the above mentioned show.  Elevates.

NOVEMBER 1, 1978 (2) Madison, Wisconsin. A stuffy, but good audience taping, but jeez what great singing - its the voice I fell in love with. Some digitial noise on the last couple of tracks.

NOVEMBER 3, 1978 (2) Kansas City, Missouri. Often forgotten, but Bob sung the shit out of songs in '78. "Tambourine Man" is just torched in a nearly acapala version. But passion is no ordinary word. Sound quality mid range.

NOVEMBER 4, 1978 (2)  Omaha, Nebraska.  A very good taping with a committed Bob delivering a nice performance.

NOVEMBER 9, 1978 (2)  Portland, Oregon.   Low grade, but decent recording.  Tinny and distant, but I pushed thru.

LIVE AT THE PITSTOP - GAZA STRIP. November 10, 1978. Seattl, Washington. Bob and his big band strike again. A very good audience recording, you get a rare "Changin of the Guards."

NOVEMBER 11, 1978 (2) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  Excellent recording with a confident recording.  Bob's in charge.

NOVEMBER 13, 1978 (2) Oakland, California. Crappy sound quality and and maybe the worst version of "tangled" in memory which he introduced as "I didn't want to write, but I had to..."

NOVEMBER 14, 1978 (2)  Oakland, California.  Night #2.  A blurry taping but still passable. 

AT THE FORUM (2) November 15, 1978.  LA, California.  Fantastic.   Maybe one of the essential big band tour boots.

NOVEMBER 16, 1979 (2)  San Francisco, California.   Audiowhore Remaster.  Wonderful show and good job and the remaster, man.

NOVEMBER 17, 1978 (2)  San Diego, California.  Mediocre cloudy taping, you can still hear the fire and passion but not much else. 

NOVEMBER 18, 1978, Tempe, Arizona.  Flawed but listenable audience taping.  Bob shines thru.

NOVEMBER 19, 1978 (2) Tucson, Arizona.  Pretty sharp show. 

NOVEMBER 21, 1978 (2)  El Paso, Doesn't cut the mustard. 

NOVEMBER 23, 1978 (2)  Norman, Oklahoma.  Enjoyment gig of a decent enough taping.

NOVEMBER 24, 1978 (2) Fort Worth, Texas.  Not a good recording by any means, but you can hear Bob's heart pounding throughout the show. 

NOVEMBE 25, 1978 (2) Austin, Texas.  Not worthwhile. 

NOVEMBER 26, 1978 (2) Houston, Texas. Lo fidelity taping.

NOVEMBER 28, 1978 (2)  Jackson, Mississippi.  Another nice "It Ain't be Babe"  Sweet sounding taping full of love and energy. 

NOVEMBER 29, 1978 (2) Baton Rouge, Louisana.  Well recorded and a perfect example on how these big band shows improved as the year went on.  The singing here was stunning!!!!

DECEMBER 1, 1978 (2) Memphis, Tennessee. Serviceable recording with Bob's vocal on the money. A wierd spoken Intro to "Senor" about meeting a man on a train.

DECEMBER 2, 1978 (2) Nashville, Tennessee. Just another night with the big band.

DECEMBER 3, 1978 (2) Birmingham, Alabama.  The taping gets the job done, but I'd rate as good not great. 

DECEMBER 5, 1978 (2) Mobile, Alabama.  Nice sounding show.  A fine performance.

DECEMBER 8, 1978 (*2)  Savannah, Georgia.  Tells an old story about seeing an old man on a train as the inspiration for "Señor." Overall, it's a blurry, but doable audience recording.

HUSH HUSH SWEET CHARLOTTE. (2) December 10, 1978 from North Carolina. Very nice audience recording, oft sited as one of the best from this era.

DECEMBER 12, 1978 (2) Atlanta, Georgia. A long dreamlike intro to "Senor" jumps right at me. Played at low volume this isnt' too bad an audience taping. Really grew on me - a delightful, upbeat, positive performance.

DECEMBER 13, 1978 (2) Jacksonville, Florida.  A more than fair recording, you get a fun "Rainy Day Woman."

DECEMBER 15, 1978 (2) Lakeland, Florida.  Recording just not quite good enough. 

DECEMBER 16, 1978 (2) Hollywood, Florida. Enjoyable recording. Introduced "Maggie's Farm" with a story of being run out of town when he performed it earlier in his career (Newport) -- worth the price of admission right there.

1979 - I Have All Shows

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE.  October 20, 1979.  New York, New York.   The three songs from his triumphant appearance.

NEW FOUND FAITH (2). November 1, 1979 from the infamous 2 week stand at the Warfield Theater in San Francisco. I think the early Christian stuff holds up well. Lots of jeering and catcalls from a confused crowd.

NOVEMBER 2, 1979 (2) San Francisco. Lower sound quality - ah just acceptable I guess.

NOVEMBER 3, 1979 (2) Warfield, San Francisco. Good show again from Born Again Bob- Wish I was there - must have been listening to the Clash at the time.

NOVEMBER 4, 1979 (2) San Francisco. Fine show with some amazing stuff - like the harmonica or its overall audaciousness. A woman shouts, "Play Something Old," and later "Boring!" Spectacular closer of "Pressing On."

NOVEMBER 6, 1979 (2) San Francisco. Another good one, maybe a hair lower in overall sound than some of these other shows - then again maybe not - quite a good one. Love it.

NOVEMBER 7, 1979 (2) Another tasty treat at the Warfield.

NOVEMBER 8, 1979. (2) At the Warfield, San Francisco, CA. A warm, imperfect audience taping, once the ear adjusts, its another magical night from Born Again Bob. I am missing the final 3 tracks from the night, but the takes of "I Believe in You," "When He Returns" and "Name the Animals" makes this a nice one.

NOVEMBER 9, 1979 (2) San Francisco, CA. A pleasant show well recorded and performed.

NOVEMBER 10, 1979 (2) San Francisco, CA. Another sweet performance captured capably as this entire stand was.

NOVEMBER 11, 1979 (2) San Francisco, CA. Complete gospel evening in acceptable and one dimensional sound. Hey - I gotta own all of these.

NOVEMBER 13, 1979 (2) San Francisco, California. Audience taping, alot of distance but still captures that warm, magic. A little distortion here and there, but I still dig it all.

NOVEMBER 14, 1979 (2) San Francisco. A good era recording that always perks up these ears. Braver than Brave and the singing just takes my breath away.

NOVEMBER 15, 1979 (2) San Francisco. A great performances burried inside a crap taping.

CONTRACT WITH THE LORD. PART 1 & 2. (2). November 16, 1979. A terrific performance, a good, not great audience recording

MAD MEN RUNNING LOOSE (2) November 18, 1979 (2) Beautiful born again show with a stunning "When He Returns." No Art.

NOVEMBER 19, 1979 (2) Santa Monica. Among the best from 1979. Highlights include an "I Believe in You" which overwhelms description, a heartfelt "Covenant Woman," and a joyous "Do Right to Me." Verbose Bob with religious comments between songs.

NOVEMBER 20, 1979 (2) Santa Monica. The whole gospel show in good sound and superb performance with what seems to be a somewhat supportive crowd. One of two rough patches on sound quality, but overall quite nice.

NOVEMBER 21, 1979 (2) Santa Monica. Simply another staggering born again show. Telling stories about Moses, Jerusalem and God, singing with conviction. Audience taping is real good and performance is top shelf.

NOVEMBER 25, 1979 (2) Tempe, Arizona. A bit muffled and one dimensional, still a notch or so above acceptable, but not in the same universe as...

IN THE WILDERNESS. November 26, 1979 (2) Tempe, Arizona. Among the most famous Christian shows with sermons, audience shouts, jeers. Bob responding to the shouts for rock and roll by telling them to go to a KISS concert. Essential.

NOVEMBER 27, 1979 (2) San Diego, California. Subpar recording - pretty much unlistenable.

NOVEMBER 28, 1979. San Diego. The night's show squeezed onto one disc - includes some gaps and cuts and is missing some material. Dicey. Still it does capture a beautful "I Believe in You" and other sweet moments well. Also get a heckler shouting: "Play Some Dylan!!!!!"

DECEMBER 4, 1979 (2) Albequerque, New Mexico. Complete show along with the ticket story as the opener etc etc. Impefect recording but certainly enjoyable.

DECEMBER 5, 1979 (2) Alburquerque, New Mexico. What can I say Ilove the Born Again Bob. In many ways, my favorite Dylan era.

DECEMBER 8, 1979 (2) Tucson, Arizona. A warm evening in the left coast.

DECEMBER 9, 1979 (2) Tucson, Arizona. The complete gospel show in fair and acceptably quality.

1979 -1980 BITS N' PIECES - BEYOND TOURS.  An odd collection of 9 tracks, a couple of outtakes, a radio ad, this and that.